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Report of the 25th ADA PC meeting

Scientists from 12 nations met in April 2017 for the ERCOFTAC Spring Festival in Vienna.

The ERCOFTAC (European Research Community of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) Spring Festival 2017 was hosted by the Alpe Danube Adria PC from April 06th to 07th at AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna.

It was jointly held with the 25th ADA PC Meeting. Participants from 12 countries had the opportunity to follow research activities from the ADA PC members focussed around “Micro-Macro-Scales” in a total of 11 presentations.


After a tour around the facilities of AIT including demonstrations at the Acoustic Heat Pump Laboratory, participants visited the Vienna Climatic Wind Tunnel (RTA Railtec Arsenal) providing “Quality in Any Weather”.

Thank you all for joining!

Booklet of Abstracts: http://www.ercoftac.org/downloads/pc_alpe_danube_adria/abstracts.pdf

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology: http://www.ait.ac.at

Vienna Climatic Wind Tunnel: http://www.rta.eu/en/


ADA PC latest news: http://www.ercoftac.org/pilot_centres/alpe_danube_adria/latest_news/