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Energy system modelling

Energy system modelling

In search of suitable solutions for decarbonization, an integrative view of the energy system is necessary, taking into account all energy sources and their infrastructure. Corresponding tools are developed and applied at AIT.


  • Long-term price forecasts for electricity and heat
  • Development and evaluation of technology scenarios for decarbonization and survey of future investment needs
  • Combined analyses of electricity markets and electrical supply infrastructure
  • Cross-country market coupling and load flow analyses
  • Simulation of sector coupling scenarios (electricity, heat, power-to-gas, and charging infrastructure)
  • Impact analyses of changes in energy market design and regulatory and policy frameworks


Our experts have several in-house developed and open-source tools for energy system modeling at their disposal, which can be flexibly applied depending on the specific questions.


Framework Key data
AIT MarketFlow In-house developed fundamental model of the Austrian energy system, which is used for long-term forecasts of energy prices and the development of technology and decarbonization scenarios. It allows the simultaneous consideration of several energy sources.
Elba-ABM In-house developed framework for the analysis of the European balancing power markets. The framework is used for the analysis of new (balancing energy) market designs and combines agent-based modeling with state-of-the-art machine learning methods.
TIMES and Balmorel Internationally used and validated open-source models of the energy system, which enable the holistic analysis of several sectors (incl. industry and transport) and were supplemented and adapted at AIT for Austria. Both are used for the development of long-term scenarios and forecasts.



  • Combined expertise on energy markets and energy infrastructure from a single source
  • Use of tools developed at AIT
  • Independent assessment of technological and systemic issues related to decarbonization

Further information

Austria's energy study on the topic of flexibility requirements with 100% renewable power supply (redirect to oesterreichsenergie.at)