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Controller-In-The-Loop CIL

Controller-In-The-Loop CIL

Shorten commissioning and avoid errors during operation by pre-testing controllers on the Digital Building Test Bench.

High time pressure, frequent changes in planning requirements and the separation of the building services/MSR departments are the cause of many errors in the control strategies of HVAC systems. At AIT's unique Digital Controller Test Bench, control strategies for building automation systems can be tested at an early stage of the project, problems can be identified and corrected (rapid prototyping) and control loops can be improved. This significantly shortens commissioning times, reduces problems during operation, increases user satisfaction and reduces costs.


  • Modeling of the building and its technical equipment or integration of already existing models
  • Derivation or cooperative development of test scenarios
  • Coupling of the building controller (hardware) to the building model (digital)
  • Test of the control strategy with inputs from the building simulation (Controller-In-The-Loop)
  • Identification of programming errors and inefficiencies and creation of test protocols
  • Variant studies and sensitivity analyses to optimize the control strategy
  • Derivation of improvement measures and recommendations for action


  • Shorten commissioning and reduce costs
  • Robust and reliable control and automation
  • High user comfort through optimal control strategies
  • Better control from the start


  • Testing of regulation and control units for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
  • Supported communication interfaces: BACnet, KNX, Modbus, 0...10V, 4...20mA and many more
  • Embedding of the controller in real-time simulation environment
  • Support of all commercially available heating, cooling circuit and ventilation controllers (Siemens, Honeywell, Sauter, Johnson Control, Beckhoff, Bösch and many more)