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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Acoustics and Noise Abatement


Acoustics and noise abatement in the transport sector

For QUIET, our acoustic experts carry out precise sound measurements in the transport sector in order to numerically map and analyse noise emissions. Acoustic solutions and efficient noise abatement measures are developed together with infrastructure operators and manufacturers of infrastructure components.


QUIET, applied

  • Measurement and acoustic analysis of noise barriers with regard to performance and long-term behaviour
  • Optimisation of the acoustic properties of noise barriers using computer simulations, e.g. BEM, FEM, and raytracing
  • Tyre-road noise and pass-by measurements for acoustic characterisation of road surfaces
  • Simultaneous capturing and coupled modelling of road surface and tyre-road noise with a 3D surface texture scanner
  • Analysis of the acoustic ageing behaviour of road surfaces


How it works


The data from testing noise barriers, testing road surfaces and numerical simulations of infrastructure components are incorporated into the modelling. In interaction with the analysis and interpretation, accredited tests, a head start through knowledge and suggestions for product optimisation are then provided.



the focus of QUIET: optimisation and testing of noise barriers

In order to understand the physical mechanisms of sound propagation in the immediate vicinity of noise barriers, we measure the acoustic properties on site. In addition, measurements are also carried out on our test bed. We validate and optimise noise barriers with the help of computer-aided models and sound field simulations.

the focus of QUIET: acoustic properties of road surfaces

For speeds above 50 km/h, tyre-road noise is the dominant noise source in road traffic. That is why we pay particular attention to this aspect and to the interaction between tyres and road surface. Using a measurement trailer, we evaluate tyre-road noise in moving traffic based on the CPX method and analyse the impact of the road surface on noise emission. This is achieved by means of simultaneous and accurate 3D road surface texture measurements.

accredited testing - a central element of our service portfolio

As an accredited testing laboratory, the AIT is available to conduct precise measurements in the areas of noise protection, environmental noise and sound power. Depending on the application, we carry out these tests on site and within our laboratory infrastructure. Similarly, expert assessments for noise protection are prepared in accordance with §31a of the Railway Act.

noise emissions are a burden on the population

Traffic is often the reason why people, particularly in urban areas or on main roads, are subjected to noise pollution. Transport infrastructure operators are therefore obliged to proactively provide a low-noise transport system. The scientific staff at the AIT have been researching noise-generating mechanisms for years and possess the required expertise to provide the support needed. In cooperation with urban infrastructure operators, we develop algorithms for network-wide condition assessment and hotspot detection of noise and vibration emissions.

QUIET tells you where and how to reduce noise

People perceive noise subjectively and assess it emotionally. With QUIET, we apply methods from technical acoustics as well as psychoacoustics: using binaural measurement and aurally accurate playback technology, we conduct meaningful listening tests. We use the results from our high-precision measurements, simulations, and models to identify weak points in your infrastructure and help you with planning and implementing noise abatement measures, with the production and optimisation of infrastructure components, and with the development of new technologies such as low-noise road surfaces and innovative noise barrier systems.

ORF/Mayrs Magazin: TV report on acoustics research at the AIT (in German)

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