- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies/projects/inspire
thus being more suitable for implementation in the future regional aircraft. To meet the design and energy constraints, the solution proposed by InSPIRe is geared towards: optimizing the areas that are ice [...] optimizing the heater scheduling and the control logic; exploring the potential for removing the energy intense parting strip to minimize power consumption for a thermal de-ice system to be suitable for
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies/projects/hypsat
shifting from conventional fuel engines to more electric solutions, with the objective of increasing energy efficiency, thus reducing the overall environmental impact of the next generation of aircraft. Most [...] primary objective of HYPSAT is to explore the design space for hybrid-electric powertrains enhanced by energy harvesting sub-systems for small air transport (SAT) applications based on real-world user demand
Hybrid Electric Aircraft Technologies
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies
solutions for energy storage, electric propulsion, and electrical auxiliaries, lending our support to the European aeronautics industry. One significant area of focus is achieving energy efficiency through [...] d battery systems, including the aircraft grid, as well as further advancing high-power and high-energy density battery cells, modules, and packs. These advancements are designed to handle high discharge
- /en/research-topics/translate-to-english-bioresources/translate-to-english-remediation
its advantages and disadvantages. Biological treatment has the advantage to need very low input of energy and chemical amendments. However, a successful biological remediation requires suitable organisms
IPEN - Infrastructure for energy grids
- /en/ipen
IPEN - Infrastructure for energy grids IPEN - Infrastructure for energy grids The increased integration of renewable energy sources and the volatility in future energy systems require adequate control [...] 2012). Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) are seen as apromising technology for improving or enabling energy applications [SGM, SPA10], nowadays primarily in the transmission networks but increasingly also [...] (smart grid metrology). A root cause of the problem is the missing signalling component between the energy protocols and theInternet Protocol (IP). In lack of the specific communication requirements the IP
iniGrid - Smart components for active distribution networ
- /en/inigrid
seamless flow of information and optimal energy distribution right through to the customer. Following extensive validation in the SmartEST Laboratory at the AIT Energy Department the components will be put [...] networ Smart components for active distribution networks The steady increase in the use of renewable energy is leading to fluctuating feed-in and bidirectional power flows, a development which will bring our [...] Institut für Computertechnik Fachhochschule Oberösterreich – F&E GesmbH Linz Strom Netz GmbH MOOSMOAR Energies OG × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert. Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht
Sparks - Smart Grid Protection Against Cyber Attacks
- /en/sparks
catalog. This protection manual is intended to enable Austrian energy network operators and political decision-makers to arm the domestic energy infrastructure against cyber attacks. In the planned EU project [...] Attacks Protection against cyber attacks in the Smart Grid Due to the increased use of renewable energy sources in power supply, network operators will increasingly rely on smart grids in the future. These [...] ongoing coordination between producers, consumers and storage facilities, thus enabling intelligent energy management. This requires a comprehensive ICT infrastructure that is closely linked to the power
Leafs - LV Loads and Storage Integration
- /en/leafs
Loads and Storage Integration Leafs evaluates the effects of increased costumer and energy market driven utilization of energy storage systems and load flexibility on power distribution grids. Technologies [...] Oberösterreich GmbH Energienetze Steiermark GmbH TU Wien - Energy Economics Group Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität MOOSMOAR Energies OG × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert [...] operator or even incentives. The consumer benefits from more flexible integration of distributed energy resources at minimum network reinforcement costs as well as achieving a higher self-consumption level
ISOLVES:PSSA-M - Solutions to Optimise LV Electricity Sys
- /en/isolvespssa-m
operation in distribution networks. Partners Siemens AG Österreich Energie AG Oberösterreich Netz GmbH Salzburg Netz GmbH Wien Energie Stromnetz GmbH × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit einem * markiert [...] ISOLVES:PSSA-M investigates technical conditions for the optimal integration of decentralised renewable energy plants in low voltage grids. Due to lack of accurate knowledge of the grid, high safety margins based
PlanGridEV - Integration of Electric Vehicles into Distri
- /en/plangridev
different network topologies and with different levels of DER penetration such as PV, wind and solar energy and micro CHP. Highlights Planning rules and operational principles for the optimal integration of
DG DemoNet – Smart LV Grid
- /en/dg-demonet
network operation with a high share of distributed energy resources Upcoming challenges for low voltage grids include a high penetration of distributed energy resources and electric vehicles. The project aims [...] evaluated by putting them into practice. Partners Siemens AG Österreich Fronius International GmbH Energie AG Oberösterreich Netz GmbH Salzburg Netz GmbH Linz Strom Netz GmbH TU Wien – Institut für Elektrische
IGreenGrid - Renewable Energy Integration
- /en/igreengrid
IGreenGrid - Renewable Energy Integration IGreenGrid - Renewable Energy Integration Volatility of generation production (PV, wind, biomass and hydro). Complexity to monitoring & forecasting & managing [...] identifying the most promising solutions for increasing the hosting capacity for Distributed Renewable Energy Sources (DRES) in power distribution grids without compromising the reliability or jeopardizing the
- /en/research-topics/numerical-simulation/projects/opt1mus
components. At the same time, their production and processing require high amounts of energy. However, the energy efficiency of these processes can be greatly improved by establishing cyber physical systems [...] these trials can be carried out virtually using digital twins of production plants. This saves time, energy and avoids dangerous working conditions when testing new alloys or developing new processes. Despite [...] work through digital assistance. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) as part
Multi-Physics Simulation Services
- /en/research-topics/propulsion-technologies/multi-physics-simulation-services
expertise ranges from electrical machines, including engine control, power electronics and electrical energy storage systems, to the simulation of entire vehicles, component integration and monitoring during [...] ols zur effizienten Auslegung von Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugen Simulation and Measurement of an Energy EfficientInfrared Radiation Heating of a Full Electric Vehicle Arrhenius-Equation Based Approach
Computational Fluid Dynamics Services
- /en/research-topics/propulsion-technologies/computational-fluid-dynamics-services
of components and subsystems of green vehicles (electrical machines, power electronics, electrical energy storage systems, cabin heating) Simulation of pressure waves in railway tunnels × Kontakt Formular
- /en/research-topics/digital-resilient-cities/projects/digital-information-models-for-the-planning-and-optimization-of-buildings-and-urban-energy-infrastructure
Guideline DIM4Energy (german) Download Guideline (German) pdf (5 MB) The results of the DIM4Energy project are summarized in a guide. The considerations focus on the following use cases Dynamic energy certificate: [...] DIM4Energy DIM4Energy Digital information models (DIM) play an increasingly important role in planning and decision-making processes as well as for the operational optimization of cities, districts and [...] (BIM) to Urban Information Modeling (UIM). The DIM4Energy project focuses on digital information models for planning and optimizing buildings and urban energy infrastructure. An important element of the project
- /en/research-topics/experience-measurement/projects/translate-to-english-robpermot
Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG and the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK). Projectcoordination AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
SG2 - Smart Grid Security Guidance
- /en/research-topics/smart-grid-security/projects/sg2-smart-grid-security-guidance
Department Partner: AIT Energy Department Technische Universität Wien SECConsult Unternehmensberatung GmbH Siemens AG - Corporate Technology Österreich LINZ STROM GmbH, Energie AG Oberösterreich Data GmbH [...] increase the security of computer systems deployed in the future critical infrastructure of "smart energy". With the increasing use of novel smart grid technologies, a comprehensive ICT network is established [...] and access points will be exposed to similar hazards as the current Internet. However, the reliable energy supply of this system depends on the effective operation of ICT, and similar security problems such
SPARKS - Smart Grid Protection Against Cyber Attacks
- /en/research-topics/smart-grid-security/projects/sparks-smart-grid-protection-against-cyber-attacks
the awareness of existing and emerging smart grid cyber-security risks to stakeholders, including energy network operators, industry and policy makers. Develop procedural and technical countermeasures, [...] project is supported by the EU FP7 Programme Partner: Fraunhofer AISEC, The Queen´s University Belfast, Energy Institute at the J. Kepler University Linz, EMC Corporation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Landis
RASSA - Reference Architecture for Smart Grids in Austria
- /en/research-topics/smart-grid-security/rassa
initiative RASSA, AIT experts collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as network operators, energy suppliers, regulators and consumers of the public area. They work on studies and research projects
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