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Sichere Simulationstechnologien für cyber-physische Systeme

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) refer to the fusion and connection of software-technical components with mechanical or electronic components that communicate via a data infrastructure. Due to digitalisation and networking, cyber security incidents are unfortunately no longer a rarity in CPS, as Stuxnet or WannaCry, for example, have shown. Examples of CPS include industrial control systems, but also satellite systems, air traffic management and medical technology.

Technical simulation environments can provide a protected space to better understand and prepare for cyber-attacks in CPS. In a simulation environment, the consequences of cyber-attacks can be analysed, new algorithms for detecting attacks can be developed and new, more resilient architectures for CPS can be designed. In addition, these simulation environments can also be used for training and incident exercises and contribute to the long-term building of knowledge and skills of personnel. However, the challenge in implementation is that many technologies for CPS are commercially licensed and only a few open source solutions are available. This and other factors hinder the development of technical simulation environments and thus prevent the generation of shared knowledge in the construction and implementation of technical simulation environments for CPS.

The SHIFT project aims to design and develop safe technical simulation environments for CPS. It aims to address four main aspects: (1) The design and development of technical simulation environments for CPS will be implemented in two application areas, industrial control systems (ICS) and global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) in CPSLabs, a laboratory environment for CPS. (2) The technical simulation of cyber-attacks in ICS and GNSS, which allows to study consequences of attacks and to develop algorithms for detection. (3) Promotion and development of digital competences in the field of CPS for different target groups (e.g. authorities, operators of essential services (OeS)) through e.g. training courses or integration in in-house training tracks. (4) Involving users in the design and evaluation of the CPSLabs through cyber exercises or training to achieve the highest possible acceptance.

Through the CPSLabs, SHIFT supports technology development and simulation in CPS, which are core technologies for OeSs, among others. The CPSLabs support the improvement of knowledge and skills in ICS and GNSS of individual staff members and thereby contribute to the robustness of OeSs and other organisations in Austria. The implementation of SHIFT enables improved preparedness against cyber-attacks and paves the way to strengthening the resilience of OeSs and thereby also Austria.


  • Partner: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Koordinator), Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung, IGASPIN GmbH, LINZ NETZ GmbH. CERT.at, Donau-Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Uni Wien Fakultät für Informatik, Verbund AG
  • Project duration: 04/2022-03/2024
  • Funding: KIRAS Sicherheitsforschung - Ausschreibung 2020/21, 15. Sichere Simulation von Prozessen und Technologien für industrielle Steuerungsanlagen
  • Ansprechsperson: Oliver Jung