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"Architecture" project as part of the "Reference Architecture for Secure Smart Grids in Austria" initiative

The goal of RASSA Architecture as part of the RASSA initiative was to develop a reference architecture for secure smart grids in Austria and to harmonize it among the stakeholders. The reference architecture serves as a "blueprint" for further smart grid solutions. By adopting the principles of the reference architecture, it is possible to implement secure and interoperable smart grids in a simple and harmonized way. Only the development of such a broadly applicable and widely accepted smart grid reference architecture, taking into account the market requirements present in Austria with regard to technical and regulatory circumstances, can ensure that future smart grid systems use consistently recognized and compatible security standards, and that at the same time the necessary interoperability between components at different system levels and between components from different manufacturers can be maintained. For the development of the reference architecture, it was necessary from the outset to take into account security aspects such as operational reliability (safety), attack security (security), and personal and system protection. Privacy aspects, which specifically take into account the aspects required by the comparatively strict Austrian Data Protection Act, were also inherently considered in the design process of the architecture.

In the context of the RASSA architecture project, it could be shown that the use of a reference architecture brings advantages for a wide variety of user groups. Based on the information content of the individual layers of the SGAM architecture model, different tasks and areas of use can be identified. The project focused on the security requirements for the interfaces of the reference architecture. By complying with the security requirements stored in the reference architecture, network operators and manufacturers can ensure that the required level of security is met and that the systems are interoperable with other systems and components.

The benefits offered by the reference architecture increase with its level of adoption. Cost savings through interoperability based on the reference architecture will only succeed if numerous manufacturers and network operators make use of the architecture.


  • Partner: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Koordinator), SBA Research gemeinnützige GmbH, TU Wien, Institut für Computertechnik (ICT), Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH, KNG-Kärnten Netz GmbH, TINETZ-Stromnetz Tirol AG, Smart Grids Austria, Siemens AG Österreich, Energie AG Oberösterreich, Alcatel Lucent Austria AG, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung, Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz,    Sprecher Automation GmbH
  • Project duration: 06/2015-11/2017
  • Funding: Energieforschungsprogramm 2014