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EUropean Cyber INFormation warfare toolbox

The project EUCINF will study, design, prototype, test and demonstrate cutting-edge capabilities in the domain of Cyber and Information Warfare through a toolbox, i.e.a holistic system which embeds a coherent set of components, an interoperability Framework and its associated Testbed, and a Store able to host components and their associated metadata.


  • Partner: Airbus Defenceand Space SAS (Coordinator), Airbus Cybersecurity SAS, Airbus Defenceand Space Gmbh, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, AnozRway, Approach, AvisaPartners, Bloom, BV TECH SPA, Cybernetica, CyberServices, EclecticIQ, EightBells, Hensoldt, INDRA, Leonardo, Sahar, Space Hellas, Storyzy, Tilde, Universidad de Murcia, Universidad Politecnicade Madrid
  • Project duration: 01/2024-12/2026
  • Funding: Cyber and information warfare toolbox, EDF-2022-DA-CYBER-CIWT