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cyBersecUrity prograMm für cyBer Kräfte mit einer miLitärischEn cyBEr rangE

The project BUMBLEBEE focuses on enabling the Federal Ministry of Defence (BLMV) to independently provide training in cyber security to future cyber forces through a tailored curriculum. With the digitalisation and networking of the state infrastructure, it is important that armed forces can also be prepared and deployed to deal with cyber defence. Such training for cyber forces is intended to go beyond conventional university programmes. Consequently, BUMBLEBEE will design a training platform which will allow flexible configuration of infrastructures, include different threat scenarios and engage different operators, integrate military and civilian domains, as well as promote national and international cooperation to accomplish the missions. Furthermore, the BUMBLEBEE project focuses on developing a qualification concept for cyber instructors for the initial and further training of cyber forces and soldiers. Thus, an additional education and training programme for the cyber trainers is developed in order to equip the instructors with the necessary skills, competences and abilities in the area of scenario development as well as IT, OT and military technical component system design and implementation. This will allow the cyber instructors to independently design and implement scenarios and technical components in the cyber range and enable the BLMV to train its own cyber forces and cyber instructors without relying on external entities or organisations.


  • Partner: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, BMLV
  • Project duration: 10/2023 – 09/2025
  • Funding: FORTE Ausschreibung 2022, 4.2.2 Aus und Weiterbildungsprogramm im Bereich Cyber Sicherheit mittels einer militärischen Cyber Range für Cyber-Kräfte im Bundesheer