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The SUDPLAN project – Sustainable Urban Development Planner for Climate Change Adaptation – will develop a web-based planning, prediction and training tool to support long term urban planning. With an open architectural design, SUDPLAN will contribute to a shared information space in Europe. SUDPLAN services will allow the assessment of some of the most critical environmental factors - storm water flooding, river flooding, river pollution resulting from combined sewer overflows (CSOs), droughts and air pollution. European city planners can assess, for present as well as for future climate scenario conditions, the consequences of different solutions for environment, urbanization, infrastructure and transport systems.


  • Starting date: January 2010
  • Duration: 3 Years
  • Budget: 500.000 €
  • Funding: 376.000 € from the EU
  • Coordination: Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
  • Partner: AIT, SMHI, cismet, Cenia, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm Uppsala Air Quality Management Association, TU Graz, APERTUM IT AB, City of Wuppertal
