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Innovation and intermodal integration of urban air mobility through experience simulation 

Growing urbanization, climate change, and changing mobility needs pose growing challenges to cities and regions. Urban Air Mobility (UAM) offers a potential for creating safer, more efficient, and sustainable transportation solutions. Only recently has the integration of UAM as a new mode of passenger transportation into the overall transportation system been investigated - but so far, only at an abstract transportation planning level. The next step in building on this should be the design of the first concrete integrated UAM (I-UAM) services, to break them down to the user perspective and explore implementation options.

For the first time, the IM.FLUGE project evaluates future I-UAM services by systematically and comprehensively modeling passenger experience from the perspective of future users. Using VR to simulate use along intermodal travel paths, the project enables prototype development and testing of (1) confidence-building user interaction with automated flights, (2) attractive flows and spatial characteristics of intermodal transfers, and (3) adaptation of digital mobility information systems for targeted and sustainable I-UAM use.

The project's first step includes requirements analysis, to define routes, intermodal nodes, and two concrete I-UAM use cases with the help of parallel projects (primarily Airbility). For each case, a detailed scenario along envisioned intermodal routes will then be developed from the user's perspective. This is followed by concept development to establish optimal design approaches. Based on the scenarios and solution concepts, an experience simulation environment will be designed. On one hand, this will enable the conduction of studies, and on the other, it will support external demonstration and participation processes. Finally, user studies will be conducted to validate the solution concepts for the above-mentioned topics. The work is continuously accompanied by stakeholder and expert consultations to embed the user-centered findings in technical, legal, and economic contexts and to align them with international activities.

The main result (MR) is the VR-based participation approach (MR1), which makes proposed designs of an I-UAM service tangible and available. Additionally, instructions for their efficient use in stakeholder consultations and participation processes are offered. This enables the creation of a constructive and informed basis for discussion, representing a significant step forward compared to the previous high level of abstraction in stakeholder discussions. Based on the developed solution approaches and their validation, user studies, and expert consultations, recommendations for action (MR2) are developed. These can be used as input for planning and approval processes in the aviation sector, as well as public transport and urban planning. Furthermore, implementation concepts (MR3) for interaction with automated UAM services, intermodal transfer points, and adapted mobility information services to promote sustainable behavior will become available. They serve as a basis for further elaboration by manufacturing companies and providers of new mobility services.

Keywords: Urban Air Mobility, UAM, Acceptance, Intermodal Transport, Virtual Reality; User Experience

Start: 1.1.2023

Duration: 12 months

Funding: FFG

Funding Program: TAKEOFF Call 2021

FFG Factsheet: https://projekte.ffg.at/projekt/4452921


DI Helmut Schrom-Feiertag, Center for Technology Experience

DI Benjamin Kokoll, Center for Energy