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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Energy Markets

Energy Markets

Methods and expertise

  • Development of short- and long-term scenarios for energy markets (e.g. price scenarios)
  • Data analysis and statistical learning approaches for forecasting applications
  • Optimization tools and algorithms in the energy sector
  • Techno-economic cost-benefit analysis in the energy sector (macro- & micro-economic CBA)
  • Investment decision support for utilities, prosumers, investors and system operators
  • Policy support and recommendations for decision makers
  • Integration of prosumer flexibility into the market and grid
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of electricity market design (energy-only versus capacity market, balancing market)
  • Analysis of capacity expansion planning under consideration of risk assessment

Methods and tool development

  • Modeling of energy systems
  • Development of business models
  • Agent-based modeling of electricity markets (agents e.g. aggregators, regulators)
  • Evaluation of energy price development, capacity expansion and investment decisions
  • Development of a comprehensive database (resources on supply, demand and flexibility)


  • Energy system and market models are important decision-support tools for a successful transition
  • Such models and methodologies enable the analysis of future development and the description of pathways through scenarios
  • New business models are one of the main drivers for different actors to invest in new technologies and apply new concepts


  • Short, medium and long term portfolio optimization in terms of generation and flexibility options
  • Energy price forecasting
  • Cost-benefit analysis, decision support, strategy development
  • Consulting services for utilities, grid operators, regulators and policy makers