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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Smart Spatial Planning

The future of the urban isn’t on its way: we’re applying it now. 

We develop and apply cutting-edge tools, while using big data and AI for smart urban planning and management. We believe that today’s complexities call for highly informed planning and decision-making. 

In our work, we help cities and private businesses to: build data-informed scenarios for their strategic planning; use AI to design new districts; visualise urban complexities; and identify which data and tools are needed to reap the potential of digitalisation 

Our Services

Artificial Intelligence based Urban Planning 

Using artificial intelligence to alter design and decision processes. Rapidly design districts or building entities that integrate a multitude of aspects. In doing so, we are able to develop rapid feasibility studies for construction projects for all scales, develop perfromance benchmarks and evaluate design competitions. Using this approach, highly optimized results can be created in a much shorter timeframe and from a deeper information base than traditional planning practice would allow. 

Digital Participation Environments  

We develop digital participation environments enabling new planning experiences and insights combing novel digital methods like augmented reality.  

Spatial Data Analytics 

We mine cities for information in order to visualise and plan their future. In doing so, we analyze locations in terms of site quality, urban fabric and economic potentials. The results obtained range from the identification of movement patterns for planning to the identification of spatial qualities to predict people’s behaviour.