new approaches to network planning
The research portfolio in the field of power grid planning and operation is based on profound expertise in the evaluation of power supply systems in the light of the integration of renewable energy resources. This ranges from simple load flow calculations and transient analyses to the design of complex control concepts for the optimization of grid operation as well as methods for the analysis and processing of sensor data from the grid.
Our focus is on the further development of planning and operating approaches for power supply systems with regard to renewable energy sources, electromobility, storage, hydrogen systems and sector coupling. To this end, we develop analysis tools and control functions for the provision of system services. These include frequency support, provision of flywheel mass, voltage band and load management to improve the absorption capacity of the existing grid infrastructure for renewable energies and new consumers such as electromobility, heat pumps and electrolysers in combination with storage systems.
AIT provides comprehensive planning and scalability analyses for new technologies in electrical distribution networks as a basis for strategic network and investment planning. In contrast to conventional approaches, in which only parts of networks and their capacities are analyzed, we offer analyses of the entire supply area using automated scenario analyses and parallel simulations with the AIT research infrastructure.
The new approaches to network planning and solutions for the future operation of electricity networks take into account the integration and interaction of transmission and distribution networks.